Preschool and Wraparound Care Programs

Buhler USD 313, is committed to partnering with parents to provide early education opportunities to all of our students. The academic success of children in later years depends heavily upon their kindergarten readiness. The first few years of education and preparedness are the most crucial to establishing a solid foundation from which can adapt to school systems and learn successfully. During this period, children develop primary skills that form the foundations reading, counting, and social interaction.

For more information or to enroll, contact: Wendy Neill at 620-543-2258


PreK is an educational class designed for 3 and 4 year old students. Students who are age eligible for kindergarten, those who turn 5 prior to September 1st, are not eligible to attend Buhler PreK classes. Our kindergarten classes are ready for your 5 year olds! Classes are available at all USD 313 elementary attendance centers Monday - Friday when school is in session.


start times


There are no enrollment fees to attend preschool. Lunch is served to both the morning and afternoon preschool students and is part of the preschool day.  Students are welcome to bring their lunch. Breakfast is optional and is available at each school. Snacks are served to the afternoon preschool students.  Normal lunch and breakfast fees do apply.

Pre-K students will learn

  • Social and Emotional Development

  • Muscle Coordination

  • Language Development

  • Reading Readiness

  • Recognition of Numbers and Shapes 

  • Self Help Skills

See relevant documents, including an FAQ and brochure here

Shining Stars 

Shining Stars is a childcare program designed for students enrolled in USD 313 Preschool programs. It provides a safe, nurturing learning environment. 

Shining Stars is offered as a part of our wrap-around service provided for families that have a preschool child who needs care either before the afternoon class or after their morning class.

Session Days: Monday - Friday when preschool is in session

Shining Stars is available at all three of our elementary school buildings. At Buhler Grade School, the program is part of our Buhler Beginnings Day Care that serves children birth through kindergarten age.

2025/2026 School Year Pricing

Cost(Based on lunch payment status): 

  • Full Price: $70 per week, $35 partial week

  • Reduced Price: $40 per week, $20 partial week

  • Free: $15 per week, $7.50 partial week

Week = at least 3 school days open for care

Partial week = 1 or 2 school days open for care

Shining Stars students will:

  • Practice positive character development

  • Develop confidence and self-esteem

  • Interact with peers

  • Participate in group activities

Shining Stars Parent Handbook

Tree with letters

CARES Club "Cru Cares"

Children are Respected, Enriched, and Secure

There is evidence that students who have caring adults in their lives, safe places to go after school, and constructive activities to absorb their interest and energy, stand a much better chance of avoiding trouble, succeeding in school and leading happier lives than those who don’t. -Colin Powell

CARES Club is a safe and nurturing after school care program for USD 313 Kindergarten - 5th grade elementary students after regular school hours. This program is available at Buhler Grade, Union Valley Elementary and Plum Creek Elementary School. Preschool students are able to attend After School Shining Stars through the Buhler Beginnings day care. Contact Cherish Kelley for more information.

  • Time: 3:15 - 6:00 PM (PreK dismisses at 5:30)

  • Days: Monday - Friday

2025/2026 School Year Pricing

Daily Cost Per Child:

  • Full Price: $9.00

  • Early Release Day Price: $12.00

  • USD 313 Employees: $6.00

CARES Club students will:

  • Participate in a variety of enrichment activities 

  • Get additional help with classroom skills 

  • Eat a nutritious snack 

  • Play/exercise

Cares Club Behavior Handbook

Early Education Brochure

Parents as Teachers

Parents as Teachers is a free program offered to all families prenatally and with children ages birth- 5years old (or Kindergarten entry), who live in USD 308, 309, 312, and 313 school districts. We offer home visits once to twice a month, depending on family's needs. We also offer weekly group connections every Wednesday from 10 am to 11 am at the Parents as Teachers office.  Group connections will also be offered at Buher Grade school on the second and forth Thursdays from 10am to 11am.  

Families are encouraged to fill out the form and mail to 200 East Sherman Hutchinson Kansas 67501 or you may call 620-615-4790.