Parents and Caregivers, look for the Sunflower Summer app in your mobile App Store. Find summer experiences for students in your region. Apple App Store: It doesn’t appear to be available in the Android App Store yet.
about 3 years ago, Buhler USD 313
Today completes Mrs. Couchman's first year as superintendent of Buhler USD 313. The Board of Education extends a special thank you to her on an excellent first year. There were many unforeseeable and unprecedented challenges and she has done an amazing job of leading our district during this difficult time. We are excited to see the great things her leadership brings to us in the years to come. Thank you, Mrs. Couchman! We are blessed to have you in Buhler.
about 3 years ago, Buhler USD 313
Cindy couchman
Please see below for information regarding school breakfast and lunches this coming school year. They will continue to be FREE for ALL K-12 students! We are excited that this will continue to be available for the next year.
about 3 years ago, Buhler USD 313
school lunch flyer
STEAM Camp wrapped up this week. We worked hard and had a lot of fun. This week brought rocketry, robotics, 3D design, catapults, boats, stop motion, and even a dance-off! Check out our final highlight video below!
about 3 years ago, Kyle McClure
students working with legos
two boys on iPad
rocket launch
iPad movie making
Today wrapped up Crusader STEAM Camp. It was a great three weeks and our staff is ALL smiles. We had a great time with these kids! A huge thank you to these educators for pouring themselves into students this summer. Stay tuned for our final highlight video. #Bexceptional
about 3 years ago, Kyle McClure
steam camp staff
Congratulations to Mr. Seuser on his recognition from the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association as a Certified Athletic Administrator! Read more about this award here:
about 3 years ago, Buhler USD 313
Mr. Seuser
USD 313 has the following coaching vacancies for the 21-22 school year. 8th FB Assistant 8th Girls Basketball Head Coach 7/8 Track and Field Assistant - 2 positions Apply online: Questions can be sent to:
about 3 years ago, Kyle McClure
We had another week of learning and fun at STEAM Camp! Sport science, plant science, crime scene investigations, robotics, 3D printing, and lots more… Click through the link below to see what we’ve been up to.
about 3 years ago, Kyle McClure
STEAM Camp Week 1 is in the books! Robots, cupcakes, commercials, Legos, organic water filters, coding, circuitry, plant science, and so much more! Watch the slideshow below to see what we’ve been up to.
about 3 years ago, Kyle McClure
Don’t forget about our FREE grab and go lunches at Buhler High School this summer! Any child age 1-18 is eligible and your participation is good for us! Hutchinson Schools are also offering free meals at many sites. See the attached fliers for details regarding both programs!
about 3 years ago, Kyle McClure
We are excited to celebrate Buhler High School Communication Arts and Journalism teacher, Samantha Neill, who has been named a Lowell Milken Center Fellow. Congratulations, Mrs. Neill, on this well-deserved honor! "The LMC Fellowship is awarded on the basis of merit to educators who have distinguished themselves in teaching respect and understanding through project-based learning or who have the potential for this distinction. The Center selects exemplary teachers from across America and around the world, drawn from a variety of disciplines, to collaborate on projects that discover, develop, and communicate the stories of Unsung Heroes in history." See the images for the full press release, or read more here:
about 3 years ago, Buhler USD 313
Photo of neill
STEAM Camp 2021 is off to a great start with 210 students! So fun to have creativity and problem solving happening in our buildings during the summer! Parents and caregivers, we will keep working to improve the pickup procedure as there are many activities dismissing at the same time at PHMS, this week particularly. No major changes tomorrow as believe we have some logistics solutions that will help. We are looking forward to the rest of the summer!
over 3 years ago, Kyle McClure
students building with pipe cleaners
students building with K’nex
students building with pipe cleaners
students with legos
Congratulations to our own Joanne Burckhart for being honored with Ad Astra Radio’s Classroom Hero Award! Thank you to Ad Astra Radio for recognizing the work that area educators do each and every day. #Bexceptional
over 3 years ago, Kyle McClure
teacher receiving award
Sign-up for 2021/2022 bus transportation is now available. Click below to submit the necessary information. Transportation will develop routes beginning on July 6th. If possible, please complete this form by then. Submit one for EACH child.
over 3 years ago, Buhler USD 313
school bus clipart
Hutch Public Library’s summer reading program has begun!
over 3 years ago, Kyle McClure
Congratulations to our boys’ track team on their 3rd place finish at state! #Bexceptional
over 3 years ago, Kyle McClure
track team on podium holding trophy
Our updated safety protocols were shared via Facebook Live yesterday. These will be utilized for all summer opportunities in our facilities and going forward. Also attached is a look at our athletics offerings this summer. #Bexceptional
over 3 years ago, Kyle McClure
table of summer camp offerings
table of Covid protocols
Join us at 12:00pm tomorrow, Thursday, on Facebook Live for a Lunch and Learn. Find us on the Buhler USD 313 Facebook page to hear about updated COVID safety protocols for the summer and upcoming opportunities. #Bexceptional
over 3 years ago, Buhler USD 313
Lunch and learn
Remote learning awards were given out this morning by Mrs. Gilley. These are just a small sample of the unique gifts students displayed this year. It has been impressive to watch students as they learned in different ways than ever before this year. Thanks also to our three remote facilitators: Tammy Gilley Renee Vernon Kyle Sides #Bexceptional
over 3 years ago, Kyle McClure
Our boys’ track team took home the regional championship trophy last Friday as well! Congratulations athletes and coaches! #Bexceptional Three regional championships last week!
over 3 years ago, Kyle McClure
Boys track team with trophy