This morning we were honored to be part of recognizing Buhler's newest Horizon Award winner, Mrs. Jenna Kimble! Mrs. Kimble teaches 3rd grade at Union Valley and is so very deserving of this honor. The Kansas Horizon Award recognizes exemplary first-year teachers who perform in a way that distinguishes them as outstanding. Mrs. Kimble's first year of teaching was last year and she went through the nomination process during the fall. Kansas State Commissioner of Education Dr. Randy Watson called to surprise each of the winners this morning and Mrs. Kimble's class and family were able to be a part of the celebration. Congratulations Mrs. Kimble! We are lucky to have you here in Buhler USD 313!
12 months ago, Buhler USD 313
with admin team
Buhler Grade School is in need of a main dish cook. Please share this information with anyone who might be interested in this position. Click here for more information and to apply online. Thank you for your help as we look to fill this vital position!
12 months ago, Kyle McClure
main dish
We are NINE days away from the Buhler Education Foundation Event dedicated to rallying support for the development of two exceptional childcare facilities at Buhler Grade School and our recently purchased property at 56th and Plum Street! Join us for dinner, a live band, and a program that includes auctioning items such front row KU basketball tickets, concert tickets to see Morgan Wallen and Lainey Wilson in Kansas City, a multi-day stay at the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, a week-long trip to Miami, and a LOT more! Here are the details for attending! Attend the Event: Join us for an unforgettable evening filled with inspiration, community, and purpose. Tickets and tables on sale now: Donate: Every contribution, big or small, brings us one step closer to providing a better future for our children. Visit here to make a donation: Together, We Can Make a Lasting Impact! Let's come together as a community, rallying around the cause of ensuring quality childcare for all. Spread the word, bring your friends and family, and let's make this event a resounding success! Your support is the key to "Funding Our Future." Together, we can make a difference!
about 1 year ago, Paul Erickson
Buhler Families and Staff, Buhler Public Schools will have a 2 hour delay Thursday, January 11th. Doing a two hour delay will allow our bus drivers to complete routes with the sun up and our teen drivers (and staff) the ability to see shady areas, patchy areas, and what is wet vs. what is dry. Many of the east-west roads are still rough and snow packed in the shade. Please remember to allow plenty of time, space, and slow down especially in areas of shade, overpasses, and intersections. Please remind your young drivers to anticipate changes in road conditions and not to assume if it is clear in one area, it will continue to be clear. If you are not comfortable sending your student to school, you may excuse them for the day by calling the school building. Your immediate road conditions could vary greatly depending on drifting, traffic, and road treatment. I highly encourage avoiding the Medora Road (82nd Avenue) tomorrow. It has had the least amount of traffic and road treatment. The safest route between Buhler and Hutchinson is 30th Street to Buhler-Haven Road. We are asking families that require our buses to turn around in your driveway to meet our drivers at the end of your driveway. You may be getting calls from your driver requesting it. Although routes may run a little slower than normal, pick-up times will be 2 hours later than on a normal day. With the 2 hour late start, the following will be implemented: No morning PreK No breakfasts will be served Shining Stars will be open 2 hours late All start times will shift back two hours: BGS 9:50 UV/PCE 10:10 PHMS 9:45 BHS 10:00 AdAstra Alternative 10:00 High school students will report directly to 1st hour Middle school students will report directly to 1st hour Cindy Couchman, Superintendent Buhler USD #313
about 1 year ago, Cindy Couchman
2 hour delay
Buhler Staff and Families, With the significant snowfall our area received and the drifting that occurred today, Buhler USD #313 will not be in session on Wednesday, January 10th. There are many roads and sidewalks that are dry but the country and side roads are still unsafe for young drivers and buses. A determination on practices will be made by noon tomorrow after we evaluate the road conditions. We look forward to seeing everyone back on Thursday! Cindy Couchman, Superintendent Buhler USD #313
about 1 year ago, Cindy Couchman
Buhler Staff and Families, When considering having school with inclement weather being forecasted, but not yet having arrived, I look at the National Weather Service confidence level on arrival time, location, and severity. I have attended webinars and watched carefully the changing forecast over the past 3 days. All indicators and models from the NWS indicate a high confidence in three areas as of this evening. Due to the timing of the storm, wind and expected poor visibility, Buhler USD #313 will NOT be in session on Tuesday, January 9th. Cindy Couchman, Superintendent Buhler USD #313
about 1 year ago, Cindy Couchman
no school
Buhler Families and Staff, Although the roads at 5:00 this morning appeared to only be slightly accumulating snow, the radar indicates heavy snowfall continuing throughout the morning. A two hour delay does not gain much advantage with the radar predictions. Our district is large and the south and west side of the district road conditions are deteriorating already. In an abundance of caution, Buhler Schools will not have school on Friday, January 5th. We have many activities today and a determination on attending those events will be communicated by 10:00 this morning. Middle school practices are canceled for Friday. Cindy Couchman, Superintendent Buhler USD #313
about 1 year ago, Cindy Couchman
USD 313 is in need of a 12 month grounds maintenance individual and Prairie Hills Middle School is in need of a food service secretary. Please share this information with anyone who might be interested in either of these positions. Click here for more information and to apply online. Thank you for your help as we look to fill these vital positions!
about 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
help needed
Our 3rd annual district-wide Call in to Win competition is officially in the books, with all prizes having been thoroughly enjoyed. A HUGE thank you to our business sponsors for supporting this fun effort! We are blessed to live in a community that collectively supports our schools and to have business partners who invest in helping us create some extra magic each December. Thank you to: Scooters Coffee HTeaO Papa Johns The Mustard Seed Holly's Sweet Treats Mrs. Couchman (Donuts) #BetterTogether
about 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
Call in to win
Join us to celebrate and thank our outgoing board of education members for their service! This coming Monday, December 11th from 5:30-6:00 at the Burkholder Administrative Center. Thank you for your service! #BetterTogether
about 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
Our Core Essential Value of the month is generosity! Throughout the month our students will be learning, discussing, and practicing generosity. Talk about this value with your students as you go about this busy season. #BetterTogether
about 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
Buhler Families, on December 1st we start Operation Joy! Throughout December students may wear holiday themed attire to unite in celebration and classes can win prizes through Call in to Win on December 11th. See the attached image showing the dress theme for each day. We hope your December is filled with joy. Join us in celebrating! Cindy Couchman Superintendent of Schools
about 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
operation joy
School attendance matters, especially in the early grades when we are covering crucial phonics skills and foundational number sense. Take a look through the images to see all the ways 90% attendance positively affects student learning. Our district goal is for at least 93% of our students to attend at least 90% of school days. No, we don't want you to send your children to school if they're sick, but do try your best to schedule appointments and trips outside of school time. We get it, that feels like a tall order! We're all in this together! #BetterTogether
about 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
positive feelings
3rd grade reading
make school easier
avoid chronic absenteeism
whole class benefits
extracurricular involvement
sick days
Reading opens doors! If you have a small child at home, read two picture books before bed. If your child is older try a chapter or two before bed. The more a child is read to the easier it is to learn how to read independently! #BetterTogether
about 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
language development
attention span
BLOOD DRIVE at BHS! Thank you, Mrs. Whisler and BHS, for working with American Red Cross in hosting a blood drive on Tuesday, November 21st from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Here's the link to schedule your appointment: Hope to see you there!
about 1 year ago, Paul Erickson
We LOVE our partnership with the Cosmosphere! 5th graders at BGS learned about the lunar landers and tried their hand at designing their own. Nothing better than hands-on science! #Bexceptional
about 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
lunar lander
lunar lander
lunar lander
lunar lander
Reminder: School is not in session for all USD 313 schools tomorrow, November 1st. Please have a fun and safe time tonight!
about 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
Buhler USD 313 is one of only 7 districts in the state to have earned 6 or more KSDE STAR awards! These awards are a testament to the comprehensive and exceptional work that each of our staff and students engage in every day. Please read the full story here: #Bexceptional #CommittedtoExcellence
about 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
Buhler USD 313 is one of only 7 districts in the state to have earned 6 or more KSDE STAR awards! These awards are a testament to the comprehensive and exceptional work that each of our staff and students engage in every day. Please read the full story here: #Bexceptional #CommittedtoExcellence
about 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
STAR Award
STAR Award
STAR Award
STAR Award
STAR Award
STAR Award
Yesterday we were honored to recognize our nominees for elementary and secondary teacher of the year. Elevating and celebrating our exceptional educators is one of our very favorite things to do! Please help us congratulate Mrs. Rochelle Napier, 5th grade teacher at Plum Creek, as our elementary teacher of the year candidate and Mr. John Clark, Vocational Ag teacher and FFA Advisor at Buhler High School, as our secondary teacher of the year candidate! #Bexceptional # CommittedtoExcellence
about 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313